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Branch Closures on 20.11.24

Annual General Meeting (AGM) update

Our AGM is one of the highlights of our year.  As a mutual building society, the opportunity for us to connect with and hear from our members is one we hold dear.  However, due to the outbreak of Coronavirus, we had already made the decision to postpone our Community event which follows the AGM and were planning to proceed with the formal AGM at our Head Office in Mansfield.

As you will have seen from your AGM pack, we had strongly recommended that you cast your vote by post or online and ask any questions you may have in advance of the meeting rather than attend in person.

Further changes resulting from Government guidelines

Since your pack was issued, in an attempt to slow the Coronavirus outbreak, the Government has banned public meetings of more than two people and have asked us all to only leave the house for essential reasons, whilst introducing strict social distancing rules.

Your health and wellbeing and that of our colleagues is at the heart of all the decisions we make and that is why we have had to make some further changes to the way this year’s AGM will take place.

We have decided to proceed with the AGM behind closed doors and therefore, in order to abide by the government guidelines, we are unable to allow our members to attend.

How we intend to keep members involved

As previously mentioned, you can vote online or by post and we would welcome you to raise any questions in advance (further details on how to do this are provided below). We intend to provide a video summary of the AGM which will be available on our website along with the voting results and any speeches.

The Community Event, which includes our Community Star Awards and Member Reception which usually follow our AGM will be re scheduled for later in the year when we can ensure the safety of everyone attending.

To raise questions at our AGM or if you have any other questions about these changes, please call us on either 01623 676321 or Freephone 0800 169 1835, email us at or use the form under ‘Can I still ask questions?’.

To be as helpful as possible, we have anticipated some of the questions you may have about the AGM and provided some answers below.

Show FAQ - Will members be able to attend?

Sadly, no. If we were to hold our AGM as we would like to, we would not only be violating the Government’s rules but we would also be putting the safety of our members, colleagues and others at risk.

Our Rules require only a small number of members be present at the AGM for it to be quorate and so we have asked the colleagues who are still coming in to work to be available for the AGM, meeting the requirements.

Show FAQ - Will there be a change if the Government advice changes?

No, the AGM requires significant planning and preparation and the health and wellbeing of you, our members, our colleagues and others is our top priority.  It is unlikely that the Government advice will change between now and 28 April but due to the timing it will not be possible to make any changes.

Show FAQ - Can I vote without attending?

Yes, we strongly encourage all eligible members to vote prior to the deadline of 2pm on Friday 24 April either by post or online.

For every vote we receive, we will donate 15p to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance and for any member who chooses to receive future AGM packs by email rather than post, we will add a further 15p.

Show FAQ - Can I still ask questions?

Yes, we want to hear from you about the things that are important to you and strongly encourage you to submit any questions you have in advance of the meeting.

You can call us on either 01623 676321 or Freephone 0800 169 1835, email us at or use the form below.

To find out more about how we use and store this information, please read our Privacy Notice.

We will publish answers to the most popular questions on our website and/or reply to you personally after the meeting date.


Show FAQ - Will I find out what the results of the vote are?

Yes, every year we publish the record of the AGM which includes the full results of the vote and minutes of the meeting on the Corporate Information page of our website here.

Show FAQ - Can I access the latest Annual Report & Accounts online?

Yes, the Annual Report & Accounts and a number of other useful documents are available for you to view and download on the Corporate Information page of our website here.

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